Welcome To The Wilderness - 2nd Edition
The first prophecy I ever received from the Lord mentioned that I would need to spend much time in the wilderness as part of my spiritual formation and preparation for ministry. I understood that the wilderness was not a geographic location as much as a spiritual experience. It was not something to be dreaded or resented, but embraced, knowing that everyone the Lord used in a significant way also spent much time in the wilderness, including Moses, David, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and the apostle Paul. The wilderness is the place where messages and messengers are formed. The Lord told me that it is also where a lot of subtraction takes place, but that He wouldn’t ask me to give up anything without replacing it with something greater. That has been my experience.
A wilderness season can be a very disconcerting time—a time when you need an experienced fellow traveler from whom you can draw encouragement. Such an experienced guide can put into words what you are going through and can provide a biblical perspective to your experience so that you can come out the other side with a shining face and a burning heart.
The truths compiled in this book have been comforting to those who are going through a very dry time. Some readers have told me how this study has acted like a lifeline or a cup of cold water to their thirsty soul. I pray this book will be a life-giving stream in your own desert.
This book is part of a series of books Penn has developed for those who are preparing for ministry. You should also read Cultivating Your Call, Cultivating the Anointing, and The Work of Waiting.