Unstring Your Bow
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Retreat
How to Restore Your Spiritual Life Through Personal Retreats
When I was a kid, we had bows and arrows. I liked the look of mine hanging on the wall strung and ready for use. However, I learned that if the bow was left strung, it weakened both the string and the bow. Those who say that God has led them into ceaseless ministry or unending warfare cannot really be submitting to the Lord who bids us to “come aside”. I have seen some pastors who act as though they are in constant warfare, but this is not my experience. A real warrior knows that there are times when he needs to unstring his bow so it will remain strong and flexible.
Throughout my years of ministry, I often sought out places to retreat and rest both in my native Canada and in beautiful upstate New York. Doing this has added life to my life and gave me the endurance needed for having such a long and productive pastoral and missionary work.
I could not help but notice that when the disciples returned from a busy time of outreach, they told Jesus everything they had done. After listening to them, Jesus noted that they hadn’t had time to eat and that there were a lot of people around, so He directed them into a boat and led them away from the busyness into a wilderness place. He said,
“Come aside by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” For there were many people coming and going, and they had no time for leisure or even to have a chance to eat. So they went by boat to a wilderness place to be alone with the Lord. (Mark 6:31-32, my paraphrase)
This is an interesting section of Scripture, not only because it provides the proper motive for retreating, but it gives us the permission from Jesus to do so.
Notice Jesus didn’t tell them to “go aside,” but He said, “Come aside.” He led them like the Shepherd of Psalm 23. He took them. He even chose a secluded place for them to get away from people, eat a good meal or two, and have a time of leisure or rest. Jesus wants to do the same thing with us today.