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The Work of Waiting

The Work of Waiting



ThIs Book Will Help You Come Into Whatever God Has For You


Waiting makes up a large part of the Christian life. Almost all of promises and prophecies I have ever received required lots of waiting before they came to pass. For that matter, much of the time I spend in prayer is spent waiting, with very little being said on His part or felt on my part. It often feels like nothing is happening. At first, this bothered me, thinking I was giving God my valuable time, with little response on His part. In time, I began to see this differently. I learned that God does not want to be a “vending machine” where we put in the same thing in every time and immediately get what we want. Instead, He wants to transform us. In order to do this, He causes us to wait before Him where a gradual exchange takes place.


It seems like our waiting in His presence gives God an opportunity to align our spirits with His so that we can receive whatever it is He wants to download into us. We often quit the process because we think nothing is happening. It is for this reason that many of us do not hear from God or receive the revelation He wants to give us. He usually requires a time of waiting before anything is imparted.


Waiting is more than just passing the time; it involves waiting well. People in prison can pass the time, but it does not mean they are transformed. It would be a shame to do all that waiting and remain unchanged, wouldn’t it?


There are those who wait while clicking through TV channels or surfing the Web, but waiting well is not just idly passing the time; it is a posture of faith, where we believe that God is at work regardless of what our circumstances say, causing us to refuse to act in our own strength until He clearly shows us what to do.



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