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John the Baptist - Revisited

  • 22 Steps


JOHN THE BAPTIST - REVISITED A Model of End-Time Revival Today Look, I am doing something new; it has already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19, my paraphrase) I think it is important to understand John the Baptist because his message, manner, and method can serve as a model for end-time revival. He held the greatest revival in Biblical history, until Jesus came. His methods and his message were perpetuated by Jesus and should be continued by us today. He had the spirit of Elijah upon him in order to prepare the way for the first coming of the Lord, and we need the same disposition in order to help people get ready for His second coming. In these notes, we will explore why Jesus said John was the greatest prophet who ever lived, and why even the least in the Kingdom of God is considered to be greater than John. Included in the course is a video clip of a message I gave about John in 2023, A full PDF of my eBook about John the Baptist A PDF called Welcome to the Wilderness, where I first taught about John. A PDF of The Road to Repentance which was developed from John's message and how it pertains to the Church today.

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